Monday, December 26, 2011

365 Day 360 -- part 2

looking at some eyes

It is funny to me how much the look of the face changes with different sized eyes, and with the other elements added. (I think the reason the small eye looks somewhat better is because of that pesky black marker mark on the plaster cloth, giving it an outline.)

small eye, unpainted

small eye, painted

medium eye, painted

large eye, painted

small eye, large pointy horn, small pointy ear

small eye, large pointy horn, short rounded ear

small eye, stubby horn, short rounded ear

small eye, stubby horn, long pointy ear

medium eye, stubby horn, long pointy ear

large eye, stubby horn, long pointy ear

To me in these photos, the small eye makes the guy look like a slightly more "real" creature. The medium eye makes him look a little surprised and the large eye makes him look like a stuffed animal.

1 comment:

Carla said...

aw! so cute! I think i like the 6th and the 9th photos the best :)

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