Friday, December 23, 2011

365 Day 357 -- part two

too much time on my hands today...

Like I was saying in the earlier post from today, my routine is really thrown off when the television programming is changed around for the holidays. I have had too much time on my hands today...I did my first project too early in the day (for me) and I think I kinda burned out. I have tried several other things throughout the day, but with little success/satisfaction.

Looking into the base of the cat-creature.

Twink was all like "Noooooooo -- don't climb into the cat-creature!" He was really kinda frantic about me working with the cat-creature while it was laying down sideways on the table. He generally will come to the door and look in...perhaps lay down for a brief time...but with this he was standing up and looking at me, looking at the cat-creature, looking at me, etc...and meowing.

Well, I didn't heed Twink's advice.

This was going to be the BIG project for this evening but it just didn't go well. At all. I laid down 6 strips of plaster cloth, had to wet, re-wet, spray with the spray bottle of water, and still it just wasn't happening. Only one stayed put and I am not so sure that I want to put all the effort into trying it again -- AND -- getting the walls of the base soaking wet again.

I will test the dryness of the strip at the end of this update.

I think the guides are on holiday today...I had no inspiration whatsoever.

I tried cutting off the legs on this tomato cage (this is one of the thinner, smaller, easier ones). It was a fight, but they came off.

But there was no way to get the antler/horn guy onto the tomato cage. Just not the right size or shape. Too much thinking and trying...just wasn't meant to go on there.

I also patched up the round guy on the right. The one with the x on it. I think I remember him falling over shortly after all six were done and piling up. At the time he seemed okay. Today I realized his inner ball must be deflating and there was a smallish collapsing spot...kinda like a sink hole. I was very careful not to use too much pressure because it was like a crack in the ice...the soft spot just kept growing. I think I got it to stop.

I knew when I was first making these guys that this was only the first layer. I knew they would need a lot more work. I just hope they keep their basic really round shape. I think that is what is so appealing about them (for me).

Later this evening I started to play around with this linocarving again. It looks like I will be able to salvage it. I will have to work in very short blocks of time, is too hard on my hand.

This much wasn't too bad. Plus I wasn't doing the outlining -- that is the hard-on-the-hand part.

Okay -- I just checked on this strip of plaster cloth. It seems to be attached fairly well. I can't really pull up the edges. But at the same time, I don't really think it is doing all that much structurally.

I will think on it some more. Perhaps my guides will return and give me some hints.

That is all for today. I'm done.

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