Wow -- tonight was the Second Thursday meeting again already. This is the second one we've had at my house...and we have decided to have them here from now on unless I get tired of having people over (which isn't going to happen).
In attendance tonight were: me, Joan, Deb, Leann, Janice, and Carla.
Tonight Carla was in charge of the activity and she had us make wire-and-bead pendants.
This is one of Carla's way cool examples -- her camera pendant.
Here is a close up of the camera pendant -- SO clever!
So Carla gave us all several sections of wire(s) and an assortment of beads. This was going to be done in two parts.
For the first part we started out with a wire and made a free form shape and added a bead or two to it...but we only had 3 minutes to do it. At the end of the 3 minutes we stopped and passed our piece clockwise to the person next to us. Then we had another 3 minutes to work on that piece. We continued until the pieces all got around the table and back to their originators. The pendants were all so cool! Here they are, starting with mine and going clockwise around the table:





For the next part we were on our own with unlimited beads and wires (provided by Carla) and no time limits. The real purpose of this group is for us to get together and talk and just have something to do while we are visiting and catching up with everyone's news. I also shared some calls for art that I had seen recently and printed out the forms for the shows that people were interested in.
We had a great time -- as usual -- I love living here so much and I love all the new friends I've made!
Here are the pendants we made while we talked:

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