Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 96 - 365/2014

Day Ninety-Six

Geez -- what a long day.  My sister and I were half-supposed to run a few errands but they were pushed over to Monday instead and that left me with several "extra" hours and I was determined not to squander them.  Me being me, I ended up overcompensating and I worked pretty much straight through from around 11 to 11:45 with only a couple of short breaks.

Main Project -- really long horns guy.  

I need to get this guy way or another...even if I end up not submitting him for anything. 

Before -- as he looked at the beginning of the day, ready for the next steps.
I have all of these little tester pots of paint that I would really like to use.  I think the problem is having too many choices, and I simply couldn't settle on a main color.

Another of today's projects:  Grammy needs to be worked on and then finished.

Grammy has a few structural problems...
This arms has a hairline fracture all the way around -- the other arm may also need attention. 
Grammy's tail has to be reattached, too.
And really, she could use a couple more layers of plaster cloth on her I am not sure her face is done.  So that felt like waaaaay too much to do today.

More projects/distractions that need attention: 

This really tall rabbit guy -- but I need some preliminary help from someone with tools...shelved (again).
The croc-guy and the tiger-guy -- both too much for today...shelved.
The goat-guy and the working dog...yeah, well...shelved.
The hatchling-guy...this is a doable project but too much for today...shelved.

Another project (nearly finished but in avoidance mode):  the bear-like guy with the long claws.  Actually, this guy originally started out here and here as a sort of Universal Remonster.  That was all the way back in early 2012.  He progressed and at some point he got his long legs and base but I can't seem to locate those posts, and he makes it to here and then I got tired of looking for more.

Really, all this guy needs is to have his base finished off and then have his face area tweaked a bit...and maybe some sort of varnish overall to protect the surfaces.
What I have been stalled about -- the decorative metal strip with raised half circles.  Time to commit.  Choose a color and get to work!
One of the tester pots of paint ("blueberry") looked pretty good...but it will need several coats.
After the first to dry.

Another project:  the robot-y guy.

I made the fired ceramic head a long time ago...back when I was still living in Southfield and going to a ceramics "class" through Parks and Rec.  He was basically leftover clay that ended up in that shape -- I was practicing with underglazes and had no specific finished item in mind when I worked on the head.  (I made 3 or 4 heads during that session.)  The thing is, I like robots just fine but I don't really make robots myself...I prefer to buy ones that someone else creates.  (Juana is the robot person.)  I pulled out the drawer of little wooden shapes to find a way to finish this guy's look.
Again...too many choices...and I half-liked them all...
...same game pieces...
...or maybe these little wooden bowls...
...yeah...I like them...
...but could go on top of his head, too...but how to finish that off...
...with one of the sawed-off balls from his original hand/arm the bowl...
...on top of the upside down bowl...
...oh, about stacked bowls for ears...hmmm...

Robot-y guy project, stage two.

Okay...add the stacked bowls as ears...oh man...he's not a robot after all...
...and cover up the robot face...he's a creature guy...

...maybe he needs a nose/muzzle..., this thing snaps right off...
...turned around with the old back being the new he looks (in person) like he has more like "gonna get you" hands rather than "maybe I could fly" hands...
...and of course he needed a little tail (that had to be really really reinforced and solid) he is ready to dry for a while.

Back to the bear-like creature: committing to a finish for the metal strip on the base.

[Gasp] -- I actually found the original paper scraps and I think they will cover that metal strip much better than paint.
Done...but very wet with matte medium...I hope it dries well.
It dried great!  I am very happy with the base will definitely need some sort of protective varnish, though.
Next up (but not today) tweak his face and claws and add the varnish and he's done!

Back to the really long horns guy.

Gah...choosing a color...too many paint choices/hate painting the main body...maybe cover him with paper that I have in abundance...but what color, dammit?  Too red...
...too yellow...
...I like this pale purple/pink that has gold inclusions...but no, it will make me think of plain his hair fell off and only pink skin remains...
...I have a lot of this paper...and I could paint on top of it for decorative stuff...
...just GO for it...tiny takes forever to cover areas well...I was almost upside down in my chair to work on the underneath parts...

...this was a good break point...finished applying paper in tiny pieces all the way around up to his neck.

Back to work after cooking and eating dinner...I started around the eyes...
...and then filled in small sections...
Too bad this photo doesn't show how I was seeing his face...he looked like he really trusted me...LOL
DONE -- with the paper layer...(I think).  I wasn't sure I wanted to paper his ears and fingers or if I just want to paint them...better to get the paper on while he is in this stage...I can always paint over it.  I know I want to/will have to  paint his facial features and his horns (at least).
Ta-daaaa -- the three guys together.

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