Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 113 - 365/2104

Day One Hundred Thirteen

My big adventure day -- helping artist Diane Hawkey with some tidying in her studio.  Diane put out a sort of feeler offer via Facebook last week wondering if anyone local would be interested in helping her do some organizing and sorting in her studio as she prepares for upcoming shows, etc.  In exchange she'd compensate the helper with beads/artwork.  Of course a bunch of people responded, including me.  Yesterday Diane messaged me asking if I had any time available this week...and today was a good day.

What a great time!  Diane is such a delightful person and I also was privileged to meet the very sweet and wonderful Arlo, her Boston Terrier.  We had a good time sorting things and organizing Diane's work desk.  We talked a bunch and I marveled at the incredible artwork around her home -- inside and out.  Diane is married to artist Doug Spalding and their artwork is all over, plus really great stuff they have collected.  Diane was kind enough to let me take photos to share.

Diane and Doug's house -- kind of hard to miss it!
Some of Doug's work.
One of the two wondrous goats in their collection.

Artwork by Diane.
Boston Terrier artwork collection.
Now...looking around in Diane's studio...
I fell in love with this instantly!
The very delightful Diane Hawkey.
Work in progress.
Prototypes for bells.
Diane and Arlo
Arlo and his squeaky cupcake.

And look what I got to bring home -- oh my goodness!  I tried to purchase the larger piece but Diane insisted I have it.  I will probably be going back again next week to help some more...this time I will insist that I've already been more than compensated for my time.  What a wonderful morning/afternoon!  Thank You, Diane!  

A Boston "Terror"
Ai-eeeeeeee -- Diane gave me this piece!!!!!

This afternoon/evening I have been working on trying to find images in that repurposed canvas that I put the layers of paper on a few days ago.  Normally if a canvas starts out in its original form as a landscape, I turn it to portrait view for my collage...and vice versa.  This painting was a landscape and I have been really trying to find guys/creatures/shapes in the two portrait orientations.  Today I finally gave in and turned it back to landscape and searched both views for a long, long time...finally something started to emerge.  

How it looked after it dried a few days the "forced" portrait orientation.

Searching...searching...ah -- I see!!!!

And here is what I ended up with...

It is kind of a wolf/bear creature guy -- the front half is wolfish and the back half is bearish.  I like how it looks sort of like a cave painting.  There are all sorts of other creature heads in the background, too...I am only going to emphasize this main creature so that the viewer can see other images for themselves.
Wow -- that is something I would NEVER have been able to draw on my own...I am very happy with it so far.  I hope I can eventually do it justice.  I think I am mostly done for the day now.  If I do anything else later on, it will probably be to start sanding the frame that came with this painting.  I think I want to paper and varnish it.

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