Tuesday, July 9, 2013

365/2013 - Day 190

a little of this, a little of that

This has been a day of running around doing errands with my sister and having a fun lunch (THE best bar burgers in the world) at The Starting Gate Saloon in Northville (and playing Keno for the first and only time) (well, Sue has played before) and then coming home for some recovery time and then working on things in spurts.

This morning before Sue got here I finished cleaning up the front part of the dry studio...I guess I am calling it Studio A (for now).

ta-daaaaaaaa  (one more time)

Much later while dinner was cooking I finished up the black/white striped finger puppets.  

almost there...finger puppets 81-90 (of 100)

And then much later tonight -- actually just a little while ago -- I decided to try to darken in the outline of the puppeteer creature in the large collage.  I am not sure exactly what he is yet, and he might turn out not to be a puppeteer, but for now he is.

before -- intentionally dark photo -- it is sort of easier to see the guys in this photo
after -- I just tried to add a little bit of darker paper to get an outline of the new creature

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