Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day Ten

Oh man...I MADE it...only 14 minutes left of Day Ten.

The short explanation: There was a Detroit Derby Girl bout today, so I didn't have a whole lot of time today. I'm just glad I got this posted in time! It also snowed about 8 inches and the roads are horrible and it took twice as long to get home.



Liisa Mannery said...

That's a very nice one! How do you choose the letter? I'm sure I am missing something very obvious.

Elin said...

Yeah, sometimes it's scary when that clock is ticking...

Took said...

Liisa, it's a "secret" but I will tell you. I pick letters by the shape, size,color and difficulty in cutting...they generally don't have anything to do with the collage overall. It's funny because sometimes after I'm done I sit and look at a finished block and read stuff into it...make the letter mean something...make a story out of it. When I am putting it together, I'm not thinking of any of that. LOL

Don't tell anybody.

Took said...

Elin - on the ride home from the bout, the sound in my head started out like the 60 Minutes stopwatch. By the time I was in the house (an eternity later) it was sounding more like a grandfather clock. By the time I was fumbling getting the scan of it, the sound was like Big Ben.

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