Remember, I told you earlier in the month that Kettle and I are doing a collaboration series for Art-o-mat®? Well, this is the box FULL of Kettle-y goodness that arrived last week. Yes, it has taken me this long to get up the nerve to get started.
I have swapped art with people before, but I think Kettle was the first person to ever ask me to collaborate on anything.
You may think I'm being silly, but this is very daunting for me!
I was expecting to get more blocks that were his work on the bottom half, with the top half left blank for me (like I showed you back on January 4th). I am hesitant to cover up any of his work with my images. I had to write to him today to ask for a little bit of guidance.
I won't quote you his entire answer, but here is the last bit of it: "...sooooo i dont want you to worry- because there is no wrong answer- i don't want you fretting- - just do what you do and it will be fantastic."
So I guess I will just have at it and try not to worry about it!
for the record. you being silly by thinking people are thinking you are being silly is a good thing. whew! that was an odd/silly sentence to type.
have fun with this series.
brilliant idea!
i love a collaborative idea. These are really impressive. I am going to keep an eye on the Chambers hotel and see if i can snag one of these creations!
fellow art-o-matian
william hessian
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