Sunday, June 13, 2010

KT Goodlove # 145

"Quit pushing all the buttons."

You have no idea how much I "agonized" over this one...geez. LOL

The silvery line on the original block looked like hills/mountains to me. Fine. But after I added the textured paper for the hilly/mountainy surface suddenly the wonderful silvery line that looked like snow kinda disappeared. Sheesh. I had already glued the paper on and I tried to add the cat girl but it just looked like a disconnected head and shoulders cuz you couldn't really see the snow-on-the-hills/mountains unless you tipped the block to catch the light.

When I put my parts "behind" Kettle's paint I have to make a tracing paper (or tissue paper) mask. I couldn't see the silver line through the tracing paper -- no matter what lighting I tried.

Listen, my drawing abilities are incredibly limited. This is where the agonizing part comes in. I had to draw that black line in with a micron pen.

Man, if I messed it up...if it smeared...if my hand slipped. Yeah, I could have "fixed" it by giving it a paper sky to go over the messed up line but it wouldn't have been what I was going for. Cripes...honestly, it took me most of the day to get up the courage to put that black line on there. Whew.

This is block #145 in the Kettle and Took collaboration series KTGoodlove for Art-o-mat®.

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