Wednesday, December 25, 2013

365/2013 - Day 358

a bit of Art-o-mat production mode

Today I put 21 heads/bodies combos together...I believe I have 43 Animal People assembled right now (including 3 from the last go round).  I am making a batch of 100 collaged blocks for my Animal People series for Art-o-mat.  The first 50 (or so) will be these cat girls, then I will move on to dog guys...and a few animal kids (puppies/kittens).

Upside down on the right side of the photo above, these assembled cat girls need trimming now.
Today's output.
The cat girl in the red dress is teensy...the other one is a more comfortable size to work with.
This is about the average size once all of the collages in the series are collected...this will be a batch of 100 collaged blocks for my Animal People series for Art-o-mat.
Oops...forgot to trim this one!
43 done to this stage!

And I have a growing stash of larger pieces that won't work for the Art-o-mat blocks.  I will use them in other projects eventually.

I think I am done for tonight!

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