Friday, January 13, 2012

2012/365 - Day 13

SOMEday it won't be this hard

First of is my birthday and I spent ALL day with my wonderful sister Sue. We had a really great time running my errands together -- fun ones and regular ones. We had delicious lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, we walked around a lot, we laughed a lot, she forgot her cell phone at my house when we left this morning and she wasn't concerned about missing calls -- we got a lot accomplished and we had a lot of fun together. But I made a promise to myself this morning that I would at least start the painting of the cat-creature tonight.

I have to believe that someday it will not be this excruciating to select a color and just paint a plaster cloth guy. I think I have got my color combinations in mind for this project. I have an idea for the base/body of the cat-creature. And I think I know what I'd like to do the the overall look of the paint job...but I am still babystepping it. I am building up my stash of "good" acrylic paint and "good" brushes.

the cat-creature "before"

the cat-creature "after"

I know, I doesn't look like I did very much. I know need to relax but I would honestly rather have a root canal than paint...or choose colors.

But I have been looking at color charts and writing down a wish list of colors.
I have been doing this for hours.

I started a sort of check list page of the colors I am using. I will take it with me tomorrow to yet another art supplies store.

I wrote down the paint I currently have (including the three tubes I bought today) and I listed what brands they were and if they were heavy body or not (in case it turns out that makes a difference).

Another thing I am learning tonight is that the names of colors that I am used to have nothing whatsoever to do with the names of colors of "real" paint.

Everything is going to turn out the way it is supposed to turn out. I get that. I know that whatever has been guiding me so far isn't going to dump the project now...I truly believe that. And I also truly believe and trust (and understand) that the more pieces I complete, the more confident I will become.

Tomorrow Ruth and I will be going to lunch and going shopping. Sue gave me an incredibly generous gift card today and she would not let me spend any of it on art supplies during my errands -- she made me leave the card at the house. She is so sweet. Today's supplies were paid for out of my household money (someday I might tell you about my living situation). Sue said that for my birthday she wanted me to use the card to get myself fun things and have a good time and not worry about anything. Wow.

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