Friday, October 31, 2014

Day 304 - 365/2014

Day Three Hundred Four

At around 4 a.m. I got out the plaster cloth one more time (cuz I hadn't been to bed yet) it still felt like Thursday night to me.  Plus, I will have guests tonight and there will be no time to make anything for the blog.

I felt a "need" to attach the goatish guy's head to the mannequin body.  There was a wedge of pool noodle sticking out of where Andi helped me attach the head to body with tape.  At that time I was thinking that might be a sort of beard area on his neck (like a goat if it came from his chin, or like a camel if it started farther down) but the more I looked at it closely, the more I decided I want to cut it off and make the neck more even at this stage.

How it looked when I was all done for the night.  (Facebook doesn't let me choose the thumbnail photo for the blog posting to FB is generally just the first image in the that is why I started with this picture.)
I forgot to take a "before" shot -- so I pieced it back together.
Anyway...I cut off the part of the pool noodle wedge that was bugging me.
And there was a tiny gap at the top...
...just enough room to cram the cut off pieces under the lip of the bottom of the head.
I re-taped it very tightly.
It is a little easier to see from this direction that the neck is smoother now.
To attach the head to the mannequin (over the masking tape) I decided to use long strips of plaster cloth since this is an area that I wanted to really reinforce and make smooth.
After beginning the plaster cloth it was necessary to adjust the angle of the mannequin.
There...nice and to move the mannequin again.
This pose cracked me it was very late and I was starting to need some sleep...but it still cracked me up.
I am quite pleased with how smooth the neck turned out so far.
Thanks to Andi's help the other day, the plaster cloth went on very easily over the masking tape.
It even looks good underneath/the back of his neck.
I slipped the jar back under his head (not that it is doing all that much) but just in case.

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