His students call him Mr. Billy. His friends and family back home call him Billy. For work and business relationships he is called William. Friends in states other than Minnesota call him Will.This incredibly creative and energetic artist has as at least as many names as he has projects going at any one minute.
I first became aware of William Hessian through his "Bearded Bunny" series for Art-o-mat. Click here for a sort of intro/update about this series. And here, too. Then I found his Bearded Bunny Blog. (Do yourself a favor -- subscribe/follow/bookmark this blog. You will not believe all of the imaginative and incredible projects William has created.)
Then I found his Etsy store and was able to pick up a number of his delightful "Chubby Creatures"
and a few of his small ceramic sculptures. Briefly, William Hessian is a visual artist, performance artist, writer, illustrator and teacher currently living in Maine. There is just SO much to say about Mr. Billy -- but I am sure that you would have a better time exploring the links and finding even more of his projects for yourself -- kind of like going on one of his art hunts.
I am not sure exactly what we are going to do, but I am thrilled to say that Billy and I will be doing a collaboration! Stay tuned to both of our blogs.
Okay...I know I am going to sound like one of those wonderfully nutsy people who see the face of jeebus in their grilled cheese sandwich, but...
LOOK -- there is a really cool rabbity/creature/beast guy with architecture behind him in my studio bathroom tile. It looks a lot more detailed in person and is more dimensional. I guess you'd have to be here.
It's got that really layered water color and ink look that I love. Lots of shadows, layers of images.
Here is a touched up version to try and emphasize what I am seeing:
I am going to try and paint it or something...there are many more characters and images in the actual tile.
Basically, I guess the bottom line is that this gives me license to not wash the floor (for a while). LOL
You know what? I am really tired of hearing myself whine and complain. (whew!)
I am going to make an effort to focus on the positive things going on around me. (yay!)
As mentioned in a prior post, I am about to start another 365 Project. And I think that instead of making a separate blog for it I will simply post the entries here at Fraught. In this way I sincerely hope to keep it a fun daily check-in for my own enjoyment rather than a chore that I end up dreading.
I need to come up with a title/name/phrase for the 365-posts. Something like 365/2011: Day One(meh - that's pretty clinical) orThree Six Five: Day 1(a bit better...keep thinking). Something short. Something more Tookish. Something I won't get tired of. (hmmm...)
I have been meaning to make a blog post about William Hessian's "Purple Rock Guy 1" since the day he arrived at my house. I am greeted by him every morning because he has become my Coffee Guardian.
William Hessian is a delightful multi-talented guy * and * a fellow Art-o-mat artist. You can read about him and his exploits in his blogs...here is one of them.
There is a companion piece to this guy and it is available at William's Etsy store. The listing is Purple Rock Guy 2.
There is an Art-o-mat art vending machine at the Woods Gallery for the run of the "A Group of Girls" show (November 19 - December 30).
To keep in the theme of "A Group of Girls" I have chosen all women arto-artists with a wide selection of styles and media. There is an arto-binder near the machine to show you examples of all of the art that will be available at some point during the show.PLEASE follow the instructions on the machine..."shop" the binder BEFORE making your selection...thanks.
Click on a picture in these posts to go to the artist's website, blog or Etsy store.
Art-o-mat artpacks make SUPER gifts, you know! What a unique twist for all of your $5 gift exchange needs...handmade, original art!
The Woods Gallery is located in the lower level of the Huntington Woods Library. 26415 Scotia in Huntington Woods. Phone (248) 581-2696 for further information. Gallery is open during regular library hours: Monday - Thursday 10 - 9, Friday CLOSED, Saturday 10 - 5, Sunday CLOSED.
Artists IN the machine through Thursday, December 30
Jodi Reeb-Myers -- mixed media houses
Joyce Lyman -- tiny stoneware animals
Imelda Hinojosa -- delightful black cat paintings
Cap & Leo -- "The Youngsters" colored pencil drawings by local artists Took Gallagher and Juana Moore
Lebrie Rich -- hand felted rings that hug your finger...one size DOES fit all
Elin Waterston -- "Strange Birds 3.0" fabulous fabric collages made for this show!
Sarah Whittington -- 2"x2" paintings with a tiny easel included
Rebecca Sexton Larson -- photographs PLUS the box turns into a pinhole camera!
Missy Gaido Allen -- tender and loving photographic studies of horses
Francine Rossi -- raku tiles with leaf impressions by local artist...gorgeous colors
Woodie Anderson -- screen printed handkerchief with endless uses
There is an Art-o-mat art vending machine at the Woods Gallery for the run of the "A Group of Girls" show (November 19 - December 30).
To keep in the theme of "A Group of Girls" I have chosen all women arto-artists with a wide selection of styles and media. There is an arto-binder near the machine to show you examples of all of the art that will be available at some point during the show.PLEASE follow the instructions on the machine..."shop" the binder BEFORE making your selection...thanks.
In addition, starting with the second week, I have added a "Take a Chance" column of mixed artists...a truly random pull of the knob. This column will feature artpacks from artists that I have in limited quantities.
Click on a picture in these posts to go to the artist's website, blog or Etsy store.
Art-o-mat artpacks make SUPER gifts, you know! What a unique twist for all of your $5 gift exchange needs...handmade, original art!
The Woods Gallery is located in the lower level of the Huntington Woods Library. 26415 Scotia in Huntington Woods. Phone (248) 581-2696 for further information. Gallery is open during regular library hours: Monday - Thursday 10 - 9, Friday CLOSED, Saturday 10 - 5, Sunday CLOSED.
Week Three Artists
Cap & Leo -- colored pencil drawings (collaboration between local MI artists Took Gallagher & Juana Moore)
Laurelle Moon Conte -- "Lil' Woodies" lucky coins
Scribe O' Rice -- microcalligraphy keychains (MI artist Jess Lacey/currently residing in TX)
Julie Armbruster -- "Beasts" character paintings
Woodie Anderson -- "Wood Play" block prints
Katy DeMent -- handmade paper that grows plants
Janet Whalen-Dunning -- handpainted silk scarves with a Key West them
Gail Ellspermann -- "Blockheads" -- interactive collage series
UPDATE: I will be changing the art in this machine on Thursday, December 9. The new art should be in place by 3 p.m.
I have brought an Art-o-mat machine to the Woods Gallery for the run of the "A Group of Girls" show (November 19 - December 30). To keep in the theme of "A Group of Girls" I have chosen all women arto-artists with a wide selection of styles and media.
I will change the art in the machine each week. There is an arto-binder near the machine to show you examples of all of the art that will be available at some point during the show.PLEASE follow the instructions on the machine..."shop" the binder BEFORE making your selection...thanks.
In addition, starting with the second week, I will add a "Take a Chance" column of mixed artists...a truly random pull of the knob. This column will feature artpacks from artists that I have in limited quantities.
Click on a picture in these posts to go to the artist's website or Etsy store. Art-o-mat artpacks make SUPER gifts, you know! What a unique twist for all of your $5 gift exchange needs...handmade, original art!
The Woods Gallery is located in the lower level of the Huntington Woods Library. 26415 Scotia in Huntington Woods. Phone (248) 581-2696 for further information. Gallery is open during regular library hours: Monday - Thursday 10 - 9, Friday CLOSED, Saturday 10 - 5, Sunday CLOSED.
Week Two Artists
Imelda Hinojosa -- delightful black cat paintings
Laurelle Moon Conte -- "Lil' Woodies" lucky coins
Carrie Price -- cats, monsters, monkeys...adorable guys that want to be your friend
Joyce Lyman -- tiny stoneware animals and their accessories
Sharon Benton -- "Artworks A-Z"
Brenda Marks -- colorful happy animals in several series
Take a Chance -- a variety of artwork...random chance
Gerry Klein -- art glass bobby pins
Laura Gentry -- "Stray Eggplant" -- ceramic eggplants with stamped phrases
Jodi Reeb-Myers -- mixed media houses
Leticia Miller -- "Inanimate Pets" -- pet stones in a felted sweater